The human digestive process contains many complex stages. Insufficient concentrations of the body’s natural digestive enzymes and acids can cause difficult digestion throughout the many steps. The first stage of digestion begins with chewing. Digestion is a much easier process when food is broken into smaller particles before being swallowed.
It is said the production of too much acid within the stomach is the leading cause of digestive problems. But this is not always the case. It is also common for digestive issues to occur from too little production of acid. Many functions within the digestive process rely on stomach acid, making it very crucial. Stomach acid increases the production of multiple digestive enzymes and assist in the digestion process of proteins. The acids within the stomach also restrict harmful parasites and bacteria found in food and aids in the absorption of essential nutrients and minerals within the body. Diets, depletion of enzymes, and digestive acids are the root cause of dysfunction many people experience within their digestive system today.
Bloating, stomach pain, belching, bad breath, and heartburn are often associated with too much stomach acid, but these side effects can be related to a lack of enzymes and low stomach acid. Due to the extensive use of acid-blocking medications, there has been an increase in hip fractures, pneumonia, H. pylori infections within the stomach, intestinal infections, and food allergies. Fewer amounts of stomach acids develop as we age, which may result in uncomfortable digestive symptoms. Low thyroid and stress can also be factors in the decrease of essential enzymes and digestive acids.
There is a truth that not everyone will benefit from the use of digestive enzyme supplements, and there is not a single product right for every individual. Digestive Enzymes with Betaine is a naturally formulated dietary digestive supplement composed of active digestive enzymes, bile, and betaine. This product is a suggested choice for those whose diets consist of protein, fats, and carbohydrates. We also carry Digestive Enzymes (Vegetarian) for foods often found in vegetarian diets, such as dairy, grains, vegetables, legumes, and are known to be hard-to-digest. We also offer Gluten Digestive Enzymes, a natural, specifically formulated dietary supplement with enzymes known to assist in the digestion of gluten. Many Americans are often diagnosed with gluten sensitivity or intolerance, even with minor amounts of gluten consumption. Gluten is very common and can be found in condiments and medications. Gluten Digestive Enzymes are suggested to be taken before meals and will assist with the digestion of gluten found within food.
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