The thyroid gland acts as an energy regulator and fuel center for the cells in our body. When the thyroid fails to produce sufficient amounts of thyroid hormones, we can develop Hypothyroidism or low thyroid function. A common type of Hypothyroidism believed to be an autoimmune condition is Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. This condition is also known to be more common in women than men. Hypothyroidism was thought to be caused by inadequate intake of iodine in the past. Iodized table salt reduces iodine deficiency, but other supplements contain iodine and ensure the thyroid gland receives the required amounts of iodine. Did you know hormonal imbalances also impact thyroid functions?
Dry skin, constipation, brittle nails, memory loss, hoarseness, cold hands and feet, fatigue, thinning hair, weight gain, and intolerance to the cold are common symptoms of Hypothyroidism. There is also a link between thyroid health and adrenal health. The thyroid gland rivals the adrenal gland for the same nutrients, which causes adrenal fatigue from daily stress and harmful effects on the functions and level of energy. Nutrients and herbal substances such as adaptogens are found in AdreBoost-NG and are used to treat thyroid dysfunctions. Thyroid function improves when the adrenal gland is adequately supported.
T-4 (levothyroxine) and T-3 (liothyronine) are two crucial hormones produced by thyroid glands. To maintain adequate thyroid energy regulation and function is the conversion of the T-4, the less active hormone, to the T-3, more active hormone form.
If you suspect low thyroid production, here are steps to help increase output:
- Sufficient iodine intake is imperative for proper thyroid function.
- Additional nutrients like selenium, zinc, and tyrosine help support T-4 to T-3.
- Ensure the adrenal glands and HPT axis is supported. These supportive nutrients can be taken as individuals or in multiple-ingredient forms such as Thyroid Support with Zinc, or AdreBoost-NG.
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