Slow Down The Progression of Nearsightedness-Consider Compounded Atropine Eye Drops

Nearsightedness(myopia) affects nearly 30 million Americans; meaning close-up vision is clear, but objects farther away require corrective lenses to be seen.   Most cases are diagnosed in school-age children, with vision usually worsening throughout their teen years.


6 Habits to Prevent the Flu

It’s the most wonderful time of the year. Fresh snow falls look beautiful(well not in South Texas)….but with all of the joy comes the not so joyous – FLU.


What Does Your Poop Say About Your Health?

The culprits are ingrained into our culture – the ominous whirring of a dentist’s drill, the shiny steel of sharp instruments. Tooth pain or not, some patients simply cannot get past the anxiety associated with dental work.


Safer Remedies For Lack of Sleep

Insomnia affects more than just the insomniac – partners, family members, or those sharing living space can also be subject to the effects of this frustrating disorder. However, prescriptions for sleep can be severely damaging to one’s health.


Weight Loss With Functional Medicine

66% of Americans are currently trying to lose weight or struggling to maintain their current weight! There are many factors that make these goals difficult to accomplish.


Treating Allergies With Functional Medicine

The culprits are ingrained into our culture – the ominous whirring of a dentist’s drill, the shiny steel of sharp instruments. Tooth pain or not, some patients simply cannot get past the anxiety associated with dental work.


Natural Cancer Treatments

We don’t need statistics to know that cancer is a huge epidemic in our world today. The treatment methods we have become accustomed to unfortunately have developed into household names.


Allergy Medication Ketotifen

Ketotifen is an anti-allergy medication that is also
used to minimize the frequency and severity of asthma attacks. Have we gotten your attention


The Immunity Resilience of Zinc

One of the top questions on our minds these days is how to present our “best self” to this novel coronavirus. Something tells me you’re interested in the concept of “immune resilience.” It is this resilience that can attenuate the effects of everyday stressors on our immune status. Let’s take time to dive a bit deeper over the coming weeks into tips and tools of optimal health.